Thank you for taking the time to review these resources. If you should have any questions or like to see more, please do not hesitate to contact me.
"COVID Couldn't Defeat Virtua's Supply Chain. It Made It Stronger."
By: David W. Johnson, 4sight Health
Describes how MedSpeed customer, Virtua Health, navigated the early days of the pandemic and lessons learned.
Driving Results Blog about MedSpeed's impact on care delivery during the recent storms in the southern US.
Sam Terese, CEO, describes how Alverno does not need to worry about logistics.
A quick overview of MedSpeed's custom built technology platform.
"Saluting the Resiliance of COVID-19 Changemakers" by Healthcare Purchasing News highlights how MedSpeed customers Mayo Clinic, Advocate Aurora Health, Northwestern Medicine and MultiCare leveraged logistics in the early days of the pandemic.
"Lessons Learned: One Health System’s Foray into Service Rationalization"
By David W. Johnson, 4sight Health
Describes how OhioHealth leverages its MedSpeed network to support service rationalization within sterile processing.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shined a spotlight on the importance of agility and strategy and forced laboratory leaders to act quickly and decisively.
Will your courier will be able to support you as you tackle the challenges that lie ahead?
MedSpeeders on the road are the heart of what we do and the most important part of our service, but a lot goes on behind the scenes to support our team and customers.
Watch the drone tour of our Elmhurst operations hub to see our unique and proven support system.